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    How I Made 94 Cents In Two Months Blogging!

    THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT. PLEASE, DO NOT DO WHAT I DID. I would not recommend anyone do this. First thing I did was make a blog. This blog. I don’t regret that at all or any of this, actually. For whatever reason I decided that I wanted to know how paid ads worked, like two weeks in so I started an ad campaign. Then a second Getting more than five views a day is pretty exciting. Then I went away. I went on a trip and then after I came back, I still just stayed a way for like two-ish weeks. Then voila! Three weeks of absence and about $100…

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    Oh man…

    I have been just pretty much entirly disconnected from this thing for about a good month. Which is way too long. I’m extremely indecisive. I also suffer from imposter syndrome pretty badly, but I’m also just a lazy sack of crap sometimes. But I decided to check my stats (ooh that’s a palindrome), and guess what? I HAVE MADE 94 CENTS WITH MY BLOG! That’s pretty exciting. Quite encouraging actually. So hopefully I won’t give up so easily on this. I have so many plans for myself. And I’m really excited about them. And be writing about them soon. I have to get ready for work now 😣 but hopefully…

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