Mind & Body

Spontaneous Post!

** This is not a sponsored post** lol like not at all

So, I saw an ad on the internet for an app, thought downloading it would be a good idea, and now I’m doing a thing. I am going to attempt intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting- various meal timing schedules that cycle between voluntary fasting (or reduced calories intake) and non-fasting over a given period.

In order to do this I’m using an app called Fastic. I’m not looking to spend money at the moment so I’m just using the basic version. It was super easy to set up. And it’s pretty cute to look at.

A Bit About Me

Only four hours in and I already want to eat out of boredom… But I won’t. I will be good! I CAN DO THIS. 😐

I am 28. I’m from and currently live in the south. I’m 5 foot 7 and I weigh about 260lbs. And I just want to see if I can change that. I’ve already lost about 15lbs from October to this point in time. But that was from logging what I was eating. I’ve wanted to try fasting for a while and just didn’t know where to start. I’ve always been a big girl. Kind of shy, not super confident. Like at all. I have imposter syndrome like a mug with this blog and not knowing what to do! I need to make my life better. I have to. I’m having a really hard time trying to figure how, and where to start.

Anywho, enough of that.

So What Am I doin?

Ok, so how this works:

– While fasting only drink water, tea, or coffee. No milk, sugar or cream allowed!

– Not 1 calorie allowed before the fast is over or all will be undone! πŸ™ƒ

Tonight I’m fasting for 16 hours. I started at 7:50pm. It ends at 11:50am. Which, because it’s the weekend should be entirely doable. Because I’m off on weekends, I enjoy sleeping in, and I don’t have very much to do. So for now I’m just going this for the weekend. If I like it I will keep going through the week.

** I AM NOT A DOCTOR** Or anyone to take advise from. I’m just doing a thing.

I cannot that any reader try fasting themselves. If it’s ok between you and your doctor, cool. I’m just trying something new.

If you’d like more information about the Fastic app, here’s a link:


This is actually a “Fasting Buddy” link. You do not have to be my buddy. Y’all don’t even know me…

I will probably post a small update tomorrow. Like my weight. My thoughts. How I feel physically… Blah blah blah.

Goodnight y’all. I’ll upload images later.

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